Tech Report - 2024
The YouTube channel has grown to 268 subscribers and 798 videos, despite a slight decline in views to 6.9K and watch time to 746 hours. The channel continues to increase content with Exhortations, Sunday School, and Bible classes, and there's been a notable rise in closed caption use, which now stands at 1,127.
Social Media
On social media, the chapel's presence has strengthened with Facebook followers growing to 712 and an impressive reach of 6,600. Instagram has also seen an increase, reaching 227 followers. Thanks to the team that works on this!
The website has attracted 12.4K visits from 71 countries and 48 states, with Virginia and Oregon being the most engaged regions. Although there has been a slight decrease in overall visits and page-views, the geographic diversity of visitors highlights the chapel's overall reach.
Weekly Zoom streaming has been a key tool in maintaining connection with the community both in Richmond and around the world, engaging a total of 4,077 viewers across various services and classes. Church services have an average of 31 viewers, while Bible classes and other activities also see consistent attendance.
Chapel Email List
The chapel's Google Group is steadily growing, now with 143 subscribers. This platform ensures that all important updates reach everyone promptly, keeping dedicated members and interested friends informed about upcoming events, available resources, and prayer requests.
Online Donations
Online donations through the website have totaled $15,330, an increase of $2,550 over last year. Please note to help save on processing fees, all donations should go through our new platform (accessible via the Chapel Members page).
Future Plans
Looking ahead, the Tech Committee plans to enhance its infrastructure with a smart keypad door entry (with keys still usable) and camera security system. Additionally, there are plans to upgrade the audio-visual equipment in the tech area at the back of the chapel, enhancing the overall experience for both in-person and virtual attendees.
Detailed information available below.
Total Subscribers: 268 (increased 39)
Total Videos: 798 (increase 142)
Yearly Views: 6.9K (decreased 670)
Yearly Watch Time (hours): 746 (decreased 423)
Average view duration (minutes): 6:27 (decreased 2:50)
Yearly Impressions 235.7k (increased 42k) - How many times video thumbnails were shown to viewers
Impressions Click Through Rate: 1.9% (decreased .2%) - How many people click on suggested videos
Closed Caption Use: 1,127 (increased 405)
Social Media
Website Visits
Visits by Device
Popular Content
Total Visits: 12.4k (decreased 600)
Unique Visits: 5.9k (decreased 100)
Pageviews: 20k (decreased 2,000)
Visits - 71 Countries (increased 32)
Visits - 48 States (5.6k Virginia, 1.5k Oregon)
Weekly Zoom Streaming
1 Adult Sunday School
1 Church Service
4 Weekly Bible Classes
1 Monthly Prayer Meeting
Average Viewers - 15
Adult Sunday School: 12
Church Service: 31
Bible Classes
North Richmond: 10
South Richmond: 10
Sunday & Tuesday: 6
Monthly Prayer Meeting: 20
Women’s Day Class: 16
Total Viewers - 4,077
Adult Sunday School: 619
Church Service: 1,854
Bible Classes
North Richmond: 364
South Richmond: 484
Sunday & Tuesday: 318
Monthly Prayer Meeting: 334
Monthly Women’s Day Class: 33
Average Church Service Views
Tech Finances
Website Donations in past year:
Donorbox: $12,299
Zeffy: $3,031
Total: $15,330 (increase $2,550)
NOTE: All Future Donations should be done through Zeffy
Ongoing & Future Projects
Smart Keypad Door Entry (will allow keyed entry as well) - Installed soon
Camera security system - In Planning
AV Upgrades - In Planning
The Tech committee is always looking for volunteers
Data as of: June 1, 2024